Polar Ltd.

Polar is a limited liability company trading in various items related with the construction, machinery and industrial market. Established in 1992 and over the years POLAR have gained solid international reputation by dealing with construction contractors, manufacturers, stockists, end-users and agents located at whole around the world. As a result of its activities, POLAR expanded its scope and operations and at the end of 2006 POLAR raised it’s sales volume to over 50.000 M/T steel products /year. Buying, trading sources are diversified and our clientele has been expanded and as of today POLAR is serving hundreds of customers located in different parts of the world such as Europe,Middle east, Northern Africa, CIS Countries active in various construction and industrial sectors.

POLAR’s expertness areas can be summarized in two main subjects as follows:
Main Trading Activities

1- Export : to Middle East Countries, Europe, Pakistan and North Africa
2- Import : from EU to Turkish Customers
3- Transit Trade : From EU to Middle East and CIS Countries and North Africa
4- Stock Sales : Prestressing strands and wedges , pump spares
5- Direct Sales : Through directly from our Mills to Customers (Comm. Based Sales)
6- Domestic Sales : Local Market Sales (From Turkish Manufacturer/Supplier to Turkish market)
Supplementary Services

International and Inland Transport Organizations
Completing Custom Clearances, Formalities, TSE approvals (for Turkey)
Technical Consultancy / Design /Supervisioning Services (for G/T Products)
Financing of the Customers via elastic terms of payments
Taking necessary actions/proposing alternatives for just in time deliveries/cost reductions
Budget Studies for Tenders
After Sales Services
Construction Projects Follow-ups at Turkey and Market Researches
Our proven track record of supplying high quality material combined with competitive pricing, just-in-time delivery, qualified service has established POLAR as a esteemed and trustable company in the market. We are also empowered by being an agency of the most outstanding European suppliers and manufacturers.

POLAR is serving to the customers by well educated management team including professional technical, marketing financing and logistics personel who have “The customer satisfaction and to give them the best service” mentality. With our extensive knowledge of the international market we are well placed to satisfy needs and requirements of all our clients.

Çelik ürünler
Yassı Ürünler
Sıcak Çekilmiş Alaşımlı veya Alaşımsız Her kalite plakalar
Rulodan açma her kalitede levhalar ,Lamalar
Soğuk çekme Levha ve Şeritler
Garvanizli sac ve levha
Paslanmaz Çelik Her kalite levha ve şeritler

Uzun Ürünler

Her Kalite ve Tıp Çelik profil (Hea ,Heb ,Ipe ,Ipea,Npı,Npu,Upe..)
Köşebant eşitkenar ve çeşit kenar
Kutu profiler
vinç Rayları

Boru Ve Bağlantı Elemanları
Alaşımlı ve Alaşımsız Dikişsiz borular
Spiral veya Boyuna Kaynaklı dikişsiz borular
Boru Hatları için Borular
Fitting vana ve diğer bağlantı elemanları

İnşaat Teknolojileri

kendinden delen butonlar
swellex Butonlar
Mini kazık sistemleri
Yüksek mukvemetli çelik tijler
Kaya Bulonları (Reçine veya enjeksiyon harçlı
Halatlı veya çelik çubuklu kalıcı ve geçici tıp diğer ankaraj sistemleri
Germe ve Test Ekipmanları
ön ard germe sistem ve kompenentleri

Pompa Ve Mikserler

Enjeksiyon Pompaları / Sıva Pompaları
Dağıtım ve Transfer Pompaları
Sito altı Pompaları /mikserler

Giz 2000 Plaza Eski Buyukdere Cad.No:7 K:10 D:39
34398 Maslak/Istanbul – TURKEY
Tel: + 90 212 290 60 10 + 7 lines
Fax: + 90 212 290 60 18
E-Mail: info@polarltd.com